Saturday, January 06, 2007

fucking fuck!

ok, great, new year and as usual everything decides to collapsa on me all at once. My own fault as usual. I need to send back insurance forms for my car, and havn't yet. I need to renew my housing benefit, and havn't yet. One of the companies I'm in debt to have decided to move on a step and send Bailiffs round-even though I have been paying the agreed reduced sum-so I have to phone them. And if they have decided to kick off again I bet the other companies will too. THEN this morning I get a letter telling me I have been accused of 'fly tipping' which probably refers to the fact that I put my bins out in the entry the day before the bin men come-and I don't have a wheelie bin to put them in because that got stolen years ago (about a month after the council issued them.) I'm told I need a solicitor at that meeting.
Great. All this on top of everything.
Nothing gets better, the shit just gets deeper and it seems there is no escape. I can't cope with my life at all. It's all fucked up, I have fucked it up really badly, and I don't see a way out.
yeh, feel shitty today.
So many things hanging over me.


Blogger Johnie1 said...


carm down (:

first: i'v had "the Bailiffs coming round" for years, they never come. Get ya housing done, silly girl. Go round to the council and just explain bout ya bin and the fly tipping thing will sort out.

Know that none of this crap means anything, it's just their way of keeping you down. It's got nothing to do with your life (:

6:51 AM  
Blogger Bill P. Godfrey said...


10:17 AM  

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