Thursday, March 01, 2007

For Sale

Just had a knock on the door, a for sale sign is being attached to my home. Would maybe have been nice/courtious/ whatever if the landlord had informed me of his intentions.
I think sometimes I am tuned into things like this-been having nightmares within the main message has been LEAVE THIS HOUSE a week after, a valuation, now this-still no notification whatsoever from the landlord. Well, even without a proper rental agreement I have squatters rights. Fuck 'em! LMFAO! I may as well stop paying rent-let them have as much hassle as possible hahahaha! Fuckers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry i'm not in tune with your site , however i do have a question, which is , 1, why choose eloise to dance to ,2, am i going mad or did the cure do this before rthe damned?

4:55 PM  
Blogger samsarajade said...

I just googled to check for sure, and I can find no reference to Elouise being done by The Cure, so I really think the original and only version that I know of was by The Damned. Both are great bands and did some similar type of music, maybe it's one of those things you kind of get mixed up in your memory with? :)

12:39 AM  

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